Liability Waiver

Please complete the following form online, or click to download the form.


I hereby Release, covenant not to sue, waive, and discharge Heritage Homeschool Co-Op, its independent instructors, its affiliated instructors, advisers, executives, board members, volunteers, participants or other family members, or the hosting facility, their officers, employees, board members, administrators, instructors, volunteers, participants or other families participating in Heritage Homeschool Co-Op’s and any hosting facility (hereinafter referred to as “Releasees”) from all liability for any loss or damage and any claim or damage on account of injury to the person or property or resulting in death of a Family member while Family is participating in Heritage Homeschool Co-Op’s activities or any other activities on the premises of the hosting facility.

Assumption of Risk:

Family agrees to indemnify and Releasees from any loss, liability, damage or cost Family may incur due to the presence of Family in or on the premises of the hosting facility or attending any activities with Heritage Homechool Group Co Op. Family realizes transportation to and from Heritage Homeschool Co-Op or any time off campus is the Family responsibility. Family also realizes that times between classes, gaps in schedules, before and after classes, and days and hours that instructors are absent are the Family responsibility. Leaving your children at any time with Heritage Homeschool Co-Op and/or on the premises of the hosting facility without supervision is at the sole risk of the Family.

Family assumes full responsibility for and risk of bodily injury, death or property damage while in or on the premises of hosting facility and/or while working for any purpose participating in the co-op activities. Family expressly agrees that this release waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Virginia and that, if any portion of the agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

Family, in consideration of being permitted to participate in Heritage Homeschool Co-Op, for Family, and Family’s heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, releases and forever discharges all Releasees, and their heirs, administrators, and executors of and from any and every claim, demand, action, of whatsoever kind or nature, either in law or in equity arising from or by reason of any bodily injury or personal injuries known or unknown, death or property damage participation in Heritage Homeschool Group Co-Op or any activities in connection with Renaissance School of the Arts or on the host facility's properties.

Family releases all hosting facility and Heritage Homeschool Group Co-Op officials, professional personnel, instructors, volunteers and all others listed as “Releasees” above from any claim whatsoever on account of first aid, treatment or service rendered to the Family during participation in Co Op activities. I understand that I will be solely responsible for and will promptly pay any expenses which may be incurred in providing treatment to the Family.

Acknowledgment of Understanding:

Family states that Mother, Father, and/or Guardian of Family have carefully read the above release and know and understand the contents of the release and their significance and sign this release as Family’s own free act.

This agreement shall be binding on each member of the Family, their personal representatives, assigns, heirs, and next of kin.

This release contains the entire agreement between the parties to this agreement and the terms of this release are contractual and not a mere recital.